what is his name?
michael mathew joshua harper, but it’s only been that way for 28 years. his mom changed it when he was from christopher mathew joshua harper. i know!! don’t ask!!
how long have you been together?
6 years
how long did you date?
1 year
how old his he?
who eats more?
who said i love you first?
who is taller?
who can sing better?
Who is smarter?
depends on the subject
who does the laundry?
mike and i did our own laundry for the first 3 years of our marriage. we now share a laundry basket and we take turns. i am good at putting it in, and mikes great at putting it away.
who pays the bills?
i do, i don’t think mike could even tell you what our house payment is!
who sleeps in the right side?
mike. for the first 3/4th of our marriage i slept on the right and then one day we switched, and it’s stayed that way.
who mows the lawn?
mike and I never plan on it!
who cooks dinner?
i do. before we got married mike would always tell me what a great cook he was. i never took him up on it. i laugh at him all the time and ask if i can have a do over!! he can barely boil water!! i really shouldn’t complain, he does 99% of the dishes at our house! he can’t stand to see anything in the sink!
who drives?
around town 50/50. road trips, mike. i would definitely say i’m the better driver!
who is more stubborn?
who kissed who first?
of course, mike kissed me first, he just couldn’t resist!
who asked who out first?
mike asked me, it was a sort-of blind date.
who proposed?
who has more friends?
who is more sensitive?
mike, just ask our niece kamry, she can talk him into anything!
who has more siblings?
i think mike, and i only say that becuase i've only meet some of them.
who wears the pants?
definitely me!
lindsay, tag, you’re it!