new pictures

so it's been awhile since i've posted so i'm going to post just some random pics to show off my little darling.
kennedy just got her 4 month shots, she was a trooper...I think daddy cried more!

here's kennedy with her grandma jayne, and great grandma flora at our cousin jason's wedding.

kennedy is such a big girl, she rolls all over the place.

kennedy loves to play dress up!


Jenn & Kiddos said...

She is sooo beautiful!! I love her bows! Eric always called them head squeezers. How old is she now?

Torre said...

Oh, she's too cute! How will you be able to leave her for a week??

Rhonda Can't Help You said...

Oh my gosh- those eyes!!! I need to see you and the babe. Love you!

Emily said...

She is just such a pretty baby...I love looking at picture of her. She looks great with that brown bow...I love it. Hope you are well.

Susan said...

She keeps getting cuter and cuter. I just love her! Have fun in Hawaii!

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