christmas 2008

kennedy's first christmas was a success! she even loved santa! torre found the girls cute matching pj's at costco. we let them wear them a few weeks before christmas when i went up to stay with them. but she didn't stop there... torre found matching pj's for the entire family.
don't we look lovely in the morning? the guys were such good sports!!! they look so manly being all matchy-matchy!
on christmas eve the guys took the oldest kids out sledding. it resulted in one badly broken leg. poor colly dolly spent christmas in the rocking chair!


The Grantham Family said...

Looks like you had a great one! Your babe is getting big and she is adorable!! Okay. It is January. What about Jan 18th???

Jenn & Kiddos said...

Tell me you make all of her adorable headbands...I would pay you to make some for my girls!! They are soooo cute! I love this baby! She always makes me smile!

brandon and jakell said...

cut pj's, cut clothes...all adorable!

Lucky you she loved 4 year old is still scared to death of him!

Broken leg for Christmas..that's no fun! Hope she recovers quickly!

brandon and jakell said...

ooops! meant CUTE!!!

Susan said...

That's awesome you got the men to pose for that picture. I think it wouldn't happen at the Sorensen home. Looks like you guys are always up to something fun!

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